Ok, so being a stay at home mom has always been a very scary thought for me. I have probably said some incentive things to other people about how I never could out of that fear when they expressed reasons to do so themselves. SORRY, if that was ever you. I always told myself that Mason and I would drive each other crazy, that I couldn't teach him the things he needed to learn to be ready for school, and what would I do all day.
The real reasons were actually:
- That I didn't want to give up my spending because when I worked I felt like I had a right to go shopping. I like pretty things and while I don't feel the need to be decked out in designer's names, I do like a completely matching outfit from TARGET, all the way down to the shoes.
- That I struggle with my identity and will it be enough to be Mason's mom and Reid's wife. If I don't have tons of people telling me I did a banging job on that pot roast, will I feel fulfilled in what I did today. Will I drive my husband crazy looking for worth from him when he has been more than working, he has been risking his life in that plane everyday for other peoples freedoms. Will I feel like I am allowed to complain about what may seen "less important"
- When you have some quiet times, what is the devil going to say to you. Is he going to make me feel like I am missing out on furthering my career when I am here. What is he going to say to me when people ask "what do you do?". Am I going to be confident in my decision to finally stay home or shrink and talk about what I used to do?
Ultimately the clear answer to me is that this is an area of my heart that I need to turn over to God, because I am looking far too much into the world for my affirmation. I am going to work on being content where God has me.
Well, it was a decision that I made to stay home and while it has had ups and downs, it has been fun. First of all I am beyond BLESSED to have Mason and people are going to be pissed when they find out that he will sleep till 9AM every morning unless I wake him up. Yes, scream WHAT at your computer now, because kid is a rock star at sleep. He has been like that since the day he hit the crib when we finally got him home from Russia. I totally took advantage of that fact when we first got here and slept in for the first times in my life. When I used to get up at 4:30 to 5 AM every morning to get to the school on time, this is a HUGE deal. I just started getting up at 8 to have some time alone every morning to start my day, work on a devotional, just not be touched by anyone while I have some me time.
We vegged out on the couch for a few weeks before and after the move, but then I got serious about being a SAHM. I went on to Pinterest and actually (hold your breath) started doing some of the things I had pinned.

I know, it is a dream we all have. And I am not talking about party ideas or "My style", I am talking about those ideas we pin to do with our families that we never actually do.
We made home made Gluten-free pizzas the other night. I would never had attempted to try this when I was working, because A. the prep would not be worth it, B. I would be rushing everyone through the process when it didn't look like it did on Pinterest, and C. I was too worked up from work and needed to veg, while an instant pizza cooked instead. And guys, it felt amazing and was better than expected. My DIY son loved getting to get his hands dirty and make something of his own, the thrill in his eyes of spending so much mommy daddy time and being hands on was so worth it. IT was also great because we have totally switched the way we are eating and so an instant pizza doesn't really fit in with the way we are eating. So we found Gluten-free dough, gluten free marinara, skim milk shredded cheese, and turkey pepperonis. No gluten allergies, just figure it is a great way to get rid of bleached flour, gua

Here is the whole family in our new kitchen, one 80's design I love is the pass through!
See this boy having fun...melted my heart and made me wish I had taken time to do this sooner.
I don't know if anyone will be able to see pizza past Mason's GINORMOUS candy box.

Mason "made" (asked mommy to help) a ninja turtle pizza because what other well adjusted possibility is there to combine his favorite new show/obsession with his and the turtles favorite food, mommy made a heart because I am totally that girl, and daddy was trying to be gourmet with his rounded edge square pizza.
Spreading the oil and spices.
And TRYING to get a picture without his eyes closed or jumping...FAIL.
And our finished products...yes we did turn that ninja turtle into Raphael with pepperoni and a hot sauce mouth, because there is no other way to roll in our house. My son and husband are very lucky I loved everything my brother did as a child because we go all boy here right now!
It was a truly amazing night and the pizzas even tasted good. SAHM successful day.
I also got a chance to do an art project for the new house because I wasn't willing to pay for the real thing, which is 90% of why Pinterest was created and visited right? So i learned how to use Mod Podge and rocked my glue gun to finish it, and this is what happened:
I got press-board letters and scrapbook paper that had different travel and vintage designs on it. I ripped the paper into strips and shapes and then distributed it among the letters I bought. I mod-podged the letter, then added the strips of paper and then mod-podged over it all. I then hot glued the edges and rolled them across the back of the letter.
I love it, may need to add some brown paint to age the look a little, but it was a fun short thing to do to accent the pass through with our name.
Woot, Woot! Finished product. I do love my last name even though no one can pronounce it. This took care of a final piece of the room for me, tying in the travel theme across to the dining area.