Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Crafty Momma

I have been crafting up a storm the last few days.  There are lots of things that I like, but am not willing to spend the money on OR things that I want and can not find anywhere.  The solution...CRAFTY MOMMA to the rescue.

Don't wanna spend the $$$$ ~ So I have been dying to finish Mason's room, but short of buying a $200 mural that probably won't be able to be reused, I needed other options.  We have a Star Wars theme because, let's be honest I LOVE STAR WARS.  What better idea is there than forcing your loves upon your child in hopes that they will love them too.  We had been prepping Mason in all things Star wars before we ever moved to Oklahoma.   Mason was excited for this room, that honestly doubles as fulfillment of Reid and myself's childhood wish. I had 3 walls done, but kept getting stuck on this one blank wall.  I found a mural on Amazon for $150 plus shipping, but the more I read about it, the less I felt like it would remove from the base housing walls.  There is no way I was spending that money for less than a years decor...well, no way I could convince husband to spend that kind of money especially for such a short time.

Here is the space from the first day:
This is the definition of a blank slate.  I am actually quite startled when I look back at this photo and see how far this house has come.  The biggest addition was a kids loft bed that we bought the boy because A.) it is totally cool and 2.) once again fulfills something I wanted as a kid.  
He loves this bed and the railings solved our problem of the kid falling out of the bed.  We added some shelves around the room and other storage and eventually got to this point:

We covered the bed in 2 flat sheets and then put a bathroom organizer behind his bed for storage.  IKEA shelf with wall stickers from the Falanga's.

My favorite thing is displaying all of our Star Wars treasures that Reid and I have been collecting over the years.  We even slapped a Vader mask over a regular lamp to theme it up.

 And then we have our shelves with Phineas and Ferb and friends to watch over the boy as he sleeps.

I have more fun with his rooms than any other.  So, I still had my blank wall left to work on and finally came up with a solution.  I have been saving Mason's Star Wars clothes ever since we got him in hopes of using them for something one day.  Reid found a bunch of canvas' that I had stored away and so the plan came together.  I cut his old shirts up and wrapped them around the canvas.  Luckily K.C. had bought a staple gun the other day, so I was set.

I love being able to display his childhood in this fun way.  I mixed the canvas' with some masks that I bought for costumes and a clock to create this:
His room finally came together and I love it.  We got the shelf from a girl on base for free that was moving to complete the room.  Crazy fun being a Crafty Momma this week.  I will post my other Pinterest project later in the week! 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Hyper Planner Extraordinaire!

So I have had a hard time coming up with anything clever or fun to post for a while.  I was gonna do some grand Christmas post, but a few facebook pictures told about as much as I could have.  But I have recently become quite obsessed with something that is happening in 3 months.


AHHHHHHHHH...I am so excited.  I have been planning for this before I ever went on our 1st Disney Cruise on the Dream.  Like seriously, Reid ran across the paper where I could have saved him $1,000 if he had just listened to me and booked on the ship.  That was a fun little gloat fest I had with that one today.

So when I get ready for a trip I plan for months.  We had an absolute blast on our last trip and I studied up before we left and knew more than many seasoned cruisers.  I travel like a pro and are honestly able to enjoy myself a lot more knowing that I have planned for all scenarios.  So it is no doubt that I have been at it again and started studying up on their Fantasy ship.

Last year I bought gifts for Mason before leaving home to avoid a $35 mickey purchase and honestly got items that people on the ship were lusting after.  I already got him a mickey jacket this time for cold nights as well as a mickey bookbag for the boy to bring his coloring books and story books with him.  Now that he is so giant I ask him to carry whatever he more getting bored with an item and handing it off to mommy.  I racked my brain about what other stuff I could get him, but if you saw his 3rd birthday party, you know that there isn't anything else that is possible to buy him.

So I decided rather than buying a 12 more mickey characters or shirts, that I would participate in Fish Extenders (FE).  Now this is gonna sound like a bag of crazy when I explain what I signed up for.  Beside every door on the ship is a sea creature (usually a fish) so a lady thought up adding bags to the fish and doing a gift exchange.  It has completely taken off and gone Disney magic crazy.  People sign up for these groups and make presents for the other cabins that sign up and drop them off in the other people's FE.  It is supposed to be a lot of fun.  I figured Mason would love getting a ton of little tiny things throughout the trip rather than just mommy bringing some stuff fir him.

Well our group for FE is AMAZING.  They like Star Wars about as much as I people dressing their kids up like Luke and Leia for dinner.  We are going to be at Sea for May the 4th be with you.  Really I was sold after this, and these people will be my peeps easily.  I think this is what we will look like below:

So I made my Fish Extender and I think it rocks if I do say so myself.
So now I am just twiddling my thumbs as I await the items I ordered from China to make my FE gifts for the other cabins.  Disney gives you phones to use on the ship so you can keep in contact with your family...because they are geniuses.  So last time the one thing I didn't have was a way to carry my phone around, so I am making wave phone holders for all of the cabins.  I think they are pretty freaking awesome.  I got little bags, plus Mickey key rings and Mickey ribbon for decor on the side.  I think they will be pretty darn cute if I do say so myself.