Friday, July 18, 2014

My handsome hubs!

My sister wrote an amazing post the other day about how what you look for in a boyfriend/mate/significant other changes DRAMATICALLY somewhere along the line as you near 30.

You can read her blog here: the-real-turn-ons-of-an-almost-30-something

My sister is pretty funny, so just promise me you won't abandon my blog after you find out about seriously, I think I need confirmation in the comment section that you won't ditch me for ego can't handle it.

Annnnyywaysssssss...insecurity aside, I was talking and laughing at my husband this past weekend.  We always discuss with each other our past, present, and future.  I think it helps us to realize just how far we have come in life...which in our eyes seems pretty amazingly far.

When we were first dating, we laugh about the things that were concerns of ours.  Our image of what our life would be has been ripped up and altered so many times.  To some, we may not seem to have been together long, but to us it seems like forever (don't a good way).  We met at 18 years of age.  At 30, we have been together for 12 years, married for 8.  That is a long time when you realize how close you are to having known each other for half of your life.

Well, back when we were dating some of the sweetest things that  Reid could do for me was hold my door open and take me out to dinner.  Flowers sent me over the moon.  Let's be honest, at 18 to 20 I think most girls are in an unbeknownst competition of whose boyfriend loves them more.  Anything that is public got bonus points, and don't get me started how great we felt if someone commented on how great our guy was to us.  Thank goodness Facebook didn't come to our campus until I was a Junior in college, because I would have gushed it up.

Moving on, when we got married, things like my husband cooking dinner for me was magical.  You mean that we both worked hard today and you want to do something sweet for me and be the chef?  AWESOME!  I think that the newly married also needs to feel like they "haven't lost the romance" as well.  I had a deep need to still go on dates and get flowers occasionally to make me feel like we were still "hot" for each other.

Fast forward to modern day.  Now let me preface things by saying I COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY have the hots for my husband. Even after a kid things (trying to not be obscene) have stayed intimate.  Our roles have changed a lot over the last year with him working at least 12 hours a day AND coming home to study and prep for his next flights.  Since I am not working we have an understanding that I do most of not all of the housework.  I don't mind, because honestly I LOVE not working and getting to play with my boy all day.  Feminists probably hate me because nothing would make me happier than to dress up like a 1950's wife and cook all day (well sort of).

So what makes my day now?  Guys I even shocked myself.  Reid walked into the kitchen on Friday after a very long work week and started washing the dishes without being asked.  WHOOOO...calm down Lauren, but this is hot!  Well he was laying it on thick and not only washed one load, but 3 loads of dishes.  Oh my gosh, calm down...he is not only helping me, but is listening to me and a implementing a conversation we had 3 weeks ago!  WHAT...that ladies and gentleman is what does it for me after 12 years together.  MY husband listened to me and implemented my requests of him.  Oh and he didn't stop there, he played with our son all weekend and talked to me about what he was thinking without me trying to drag information out of him.

Maybe you are thinking "Lauren, why is any of this special?".  Well perhaps to the normal person you think "He should do all of that"...but the pilot wife knows that this kind of stuff is huge.  It's math...there are 168 hours in the week.  These guys in pilot training are in class for 12 hours a day 5 days a week minimum, so now we are down to 108 hours left in the week.  These boys HAVE TO get 8 hours of sleep, because no one wants a pilot to be screaming through the sky and fighting to fall asleep.  We are now down to 52 hours left in the week.  People need to eat, so lets say 2 hours a day is spent eating, leaving us with 38 hours left this week.  Then he needs to study at LEAST an hour a night and like 5 hours on Sunday, leaving us with 25 hours.  So basically we are left with an hour together on weekdays and usually Saturday spent together.  So my husband has 1 hour of free time and CHOSE to do dishes for me.  Get it?  When hubbies has a minute to himself and chooses to spend it helping me out, it melts your heart.

Things have definitely changed over the years, and all of those changes make me fall more and more in love with this man that I call my husband.

Does anyone else get to the end of my blog and think, how the crap did we come to this solution from when she began typing?  Don't worry me too...blogs are more therapy for the writer than the reader I think sometimes anyways.  Recap: my husband is awesome and "just gets me" even after all of these years.  Even after we are old and the kids are gone, we will still be going strong, hoping to gross the kids out that we still have the hots for each other!