Sometimes in the adoption community, there are numerous camps of thought and feelings. Many times I have felt like an outsider because my heart didn't feel the same way about an issue that EVERYONE else seemed to be struggling with. While our 2nd adoption has had its own struggles, I know it has been so much easier to handle because I already have Mason in my arms. My heart does not ache from anymore because of not having the children I desired so much, because Mason filled that hole when he came into our lives. Even though my heart is growing daily as I wait for my next children, I have proof of God's promise right in front of my eyes, that is what I hold onto.
So on Mother's Day, I didn't feel like an adoptive mom, I felt like a mom. Honestly I was completely selfish. I didn't think much on Mason's birth mother. I am forever grateful for her, but many times get caught up in my own selfishness and how much I love having him. It probably makes me a bad person I know, but when I look at my boy I get caught up in the gift she gave me and how I will cherish it.
A facebook group I follow, Connect-A-Kid, posted this awesome article to adoptive moms. It gave a great explanation of the processes that we go through to get our kids. Adoption is not for the faint of heart. It is for determined families who will stop at nothing to complete their families and the plan God has for them.
Here is the article: dear-mom-of-an-adopted-child
Spoke to my heart, and if you are thinking about joining me on this journey then it lays a lot of what your journey will look like in front of you.
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