Tuesday, November 22, 2011

New Mom...Turning over a New Leaf

So last night I did something that I have been dying to do for quite a while...DIY projects.  I recently found out about PINTEREST.com the other day through some of my friends blogs from Bible Study and it has forever changed my life.
Pinterest Logo

Since we adopted Mason, our lives have been so enriched by him.  He is an amazing kid and so well behaved. Even on the days where he acts like a typical toddler, he will do something to melt my heart completely.  The one thing that Reid and I say though is that we are glad that we got to skip the full baby, waking up every 3 hours for feedings, extremely fragile, stages.  However, we also missed the ramp up into toddler-hood and jumped into the deep end feet first.  Normally this isn't a problem until it comes to the moments when I need to run into the store "real quick" and end up dragging all our stuff with us or when I need to clean up the living room which ends up feeling like a game of Perfection where I have to get the pieces put away in under 60 seconds before they pop back out...which they do.

The above is the reason that I was so excited to get a DIY project completed.  I started small and went and got 2 XL mens t-shirts and made infinity scarves in royal blue and olive green (two scarf colors I have been missing).  I also made one of the ruffled t-shirt scarves in the olive green (see below).  It was so much fun, especially because it was a simple enough project to do because
          1.) the project was crazy simple and had like 2 steps
          2.) it was quick enough that Mason didn't try to get into it
It is amazing the sense of accomplishment that I had after completing such a simple thing and I was able to fill a winter wardrobe hole as well as dress up some plainness.  Megan and Kaitlin, you have created a monster.  I felt so accomplished I even made this new blog which will keep me sane while Reid is away.
t-shirt scarfpink infinity scarf

After I was done with my t-shirt scarves I started working on some Christmas decor and plotting Christmas.  Black Friday is one of my favorite days of the year because I get to shop like a crazy person at stores I don't normally get to shop in (Express and LOFT, here I come) but Reid doesn't get mad because I can be so thrifty.  Christmas will be homemade this year, and yet better than what I have been able to do in the past.  I am so excited, but mainly because this is our first Christmas with the boy.  Tonight we start decorating!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud! Love the scarves and the blog!! We should have a handmade Christmas present day... soon!!

