Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Homeschool Preschool

Leaving the teachers at KRK was a very hard thing to do.  One huge aspect of that was because they taught Mason SO SO SO very much.  I am forever grateful that he knows so much at this young age.  Well, when I found out we were moving to Oklahoma I was gripped with fear about how Mason would become behind in areas where he was excelling.  When we got the news that we were getting a 4 bedroom house, I decided we could turn one of the rooms into a preschool room.  I may or may not already have purchased an entire classrooms worth of supplies in a Dr. Seuss theme about 2 years ago and I may or may not have a complete obsession with all things Seuss and need a reason to pawn off an overly elaborate 2 year olds left over party supplies.  So what other option is there?  Dr. Seuss preschool room it is.

So, I took some photos of our projects this week so I would have proof to myself that I can do it in a few weeks when I want to give up.  So, I let Mason choose a country that we would study for a week.  He chose Japan because "that is where Ninja Turtles are from".  I decided not to fight the logic and we went to the library last week to get some books.  I was limited in my options since it was such a small base, but we got a few...Karate Girl and 3 Samurai Cats.  At the end of the week Mason likes above all else, cooking activities.  I let him help me in the kitchen for some projects and he thought it was the coolest thing.  Here are some pictures from our week:
 Making cupcakes
I let him pour and mix each part 

 And then I taught him the best part
 Licking the bowl
 Cut up swiss cake rolls for sushi
 Koi windsocks for crafts
 At homeschool preschool there is time for cuddles with minnie
 Rice Krispy Treats
 He got to measure out the marshmallows

 Then we made our dessert sushis from rice krispy treats, fruit by the foot, and swedish fish

 and then we can have play time with daddy at home
by making tents under mommies bed

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